Become a member of the One Plan and help me put food on the the table...no joke.
One Dollar a Month One Story a Month
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Why the One Plan?
I’ve been writing and telling stories for a good part of my life. When I reflect on that life and its intersection with my writing, I picture an old Victorian home. Through the years I’ve moved from room to room, discovering their contents, finding secrets, learning what they can teach me, and then telling tales from that space. It seems only yesterday I started in the nursery, telling silly and child-like yarns. Now I find that countless rooms have come and gone under my feet. The most recent room has been the most unique. It contains experiences and lessons that no story I ever wrote could have held. I have been challenged more than I ever thought possible because this room, for better or for worse, contains debilitating anxiety and panic. It has kept me from holding any sort of “steady work,” as the rest of the world calls it, for the past ten years. If you, or anyone you know, has entered this section of the house, with its misaligned walls and sharp dark corners, hopefully you’ve found a way to navigate, and maybe even step free into the sweet sunlight of the veranda. If you haven’t, be encouraged. The light that you sometimes see coming in under the door is hope, keep crawling towards it. Writing from this room has been part of my therapy, and now, that therapy has come to be a means of reaching out. I’ve figured out how to jimmy the window open and let the fresh air in. Through that same portal, I’ve learned that I can also pass a few things back out into the world. So, once a month I plan to hand out a tale on a few scraps; born not just from this room, but from the house as a whole. If you happen to walk by and see the pages on the windowsill and are curious to read them, all I ask is that you leave a simple dollar bill behind for each story taken. In return, I will leave another tale the next month, and the next, and the next. Perhaps together, we can create a form of “steady work” to help keep the lights of the house lit, and the encouragement to continue to explore new rooms.

This Month's Story is:
How it Works
You will receive one story a month for the price of one dollar. Step #1 Click “BECOME A MEMBER” to get the process started. After you fill out the membership form you’ll be directed back to this page for payment. Your membership will not be completed without payment. Step # 2 Use the “Pay Now” button to purchase your subscription. I will be selling stories from September of 2024 until August of 2025. You will be charged $12 for 12 stories. A new story will be released each month. You will have access to all stories, even if you sign up later in the yearly cycle. You'll start receiving the newsletter that announces when new content is added to the site as well as links to access the Story of the Month. For full transparency - After each story, you'll see a "tip" button. If you've enjoyed what you've read and think it's worth more than $1, feel free to leave a tip. It would be much appreciated.
What You Get
- One Story a Month from Sept. '24 to Aug. '25 -
(you can always read a preview of the monthly story on the blog)
- One Audio Recording of the Story -
- A chance to leave comments and engage with other readers -
October 2024

The Elephant Keeper
Some secrets can move in and never leave. Evelyn thought hers was under control.
September 2024

The Missing Piece
Puzzles are a nice pastime, but it’s an obsession that Phil can get lost in.
December 2024

Love Falling or All Good Things
What does it mean to have it all?
November 2024

The Falcon of Calicut
Greed drives many people to desperate actions. Parco & Alphonse are no exception.
"The "true" story is not the one that exists in my mind; it is certainly not the written words on the bound paper that you hold in your hands. The story in my mind is nothing but a hope; the text of the story is the tool I created in order to try to make that hope a reality. The story itself, the true story, is the one that the audience members create in their minds, guided and shaped by my text, but then transformed, elucidated, expanded, edited, and clarified by their own experience, their own desires, their own hopes and fears. The story is one that you and I will construct together in your memory.
If the story means anything to you at all, then when you remember it afterward, think of it, not as something I created, but rather as something that we made together." - Orson Scott Card, author of Ender's Game